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辦公室:納環館 206室
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  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 著作及專利





國立臺灣大學工學院副院長 (2023.8-迄今)

國立臺灣大學永續辦公室副主任兼執行長 (2023.2-2024.8)

國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所所長 (2019.8-2022.7)

財團法人中興工程顧問社工程師 (1986.7-1992.8)



















永續資源管理研究室 3366-2798


  • 國立臺灣大學教學優良獎(2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2016)


 SCI or SSCI Journal Papers

  • Mabaso, T., Lo, S. L.*, Chiueh, P. T. (2024). Effect of pyrolytic temperature on the adsorption of Pb (II) from synthetic wastewater onto bamboo chopstick biochar: a conventional vs. microwave-assisted pyrolysis approach. Sustainable Environment Research, 34, 31.
  • Lin, H.H.H., Hsieh, M.C., Liu, J. W.W., Wang, Y.H., Huang, S.J., Lien, E., Huang, L.W., Chiueh, P.T., Tung, H.H., Lin, A.Y.C.* (2024). Investigating illicit drug hotspots and daily variations using sewer-network wastewater analysis. Chemosphere, 368, 143690.
  • Huang, Y. F., Chen, Y., Chiueh, P. T., Lo, S. L.* (2024). Metal recovery from copper indium gallium selenide solar cells by using microwave pyrolysis, thermal oxidation and thermal chlorination. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 190, 226-232.
  • Lin, T. C., Wang, S. Y., Kung, Z. Y., Su, Y. H., Chiueh, P. T.*, Hsiao, T. C.* (2023). Unmasking air quality: A novel image-based approach to align public perception with pollution levels. Environment International, 181, 108289.
  • Huang, Y. F., Chiueh, P. T., Lo, S. L.* (2023). Carbon capture of biochar produced by microwave co-pyrolysis: adsorption capacity, kinetics, and benefits. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30, 22211–22221.
  • Chuang, W. K., Lin, Z. E., Lin, T. C., Lo, S. L., Chang, C. L., Chiueh, P. T.* (2023). Spatial allocation of LID practices with a water footprint approach. Science of the Total Environment, 859, 160201.
  • Shiu, H. Y., Lee, M., Lin, Z. E., Chiueh, P. T.* (2023). Dynamic life cycle assessment for water treatment implications. Sustainable Cities and Society, 860, 160224.
  • Chen, H. S., Lin, Y. C., Chiueh, P. T.* (2023). Nexus of ecosystem service-human health-natural resources: The nature-based solutions for urban PM2.5 pollution. Sustainable Cities and Society, 91.
  • Wong, Y. J., Shiu, H. Y., Chang, J. H., Ooi, M., Li, H. H., Homma, R., Shimizu, Y.*, Chiueh, P. T.*, Maneechot, L., Nik Sulaiman, N. M. (2022). Spatiotemporal impact of COVID-19 on Taiwan air quality in the absence of a lockdown: Influence of urban public transportation use and meteorological conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 365, 132893.
  • Chen, H. S., Lin, Y. C., Chiueh, P. T.* (2022). High-resolution spatial analysis for the air quality regulation service from urban vegetation: A case study of Taipei City. Sustainable Cities and Society, 83, 103976.
  • Yuan, M. H., Lo, F. C., Yu, C. P., Tung, H. H., Chang, Y. S., Chiueh, P. T., Huang, H. C., Chang, C. C., Guan, C, Y., Wu, C. W., Xu, Z. X., Lo, S. L.* (2022). Nature-based solutions for securing contributions of water, food, and energy in an urban environment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 58222-58230.
  • Liu, S. K., Lin, Z. E., Chiueh, P. T.* (2022). Improving urban sustainability and resilience with the optimal arrangement of water-energy-food related practices. Science of The Total Environment, 812, 152559.
  • Lin, T. C., Chiueh, P. T., Griffith, S. M., Liao, C. C., Hsiao, T. C.* (2022). Deployment of a mobile platform to characterize spatial and temporal variation of on-road fine particles in an urban area. Environmental Research, 204, 112349.
  • Liu, C. C., Lin, T. C., Yuan, K. Y., Chiueh, P. T.* (2022). Spatio-temporal prediction and factor identification of urban air quality using support vector machine. Urban Climate, 41, 101055.
  • Lin, C.C., Chiueh, P.T.* (2021). Mapping the local impacts of water consumption with regionalized three-dimensional arrays. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 26, 1495–1504.
  • Chen, H.P., Lee, M., Chiueh, P. T.*, (2021). Creating ecosystem services assessment models incorporating land use impacts based on soil quality. Science of The Total Environment, 773, 145018.
  • Huang, Y.F., Chiueh, P. T., Lo, S. L.* (2021). Energy recovery from sewage sludge: Product characteristics, heating value prediction and reaction kinetics. Chemosphere, 268, 128783.
  • Yuan, M.H., Chiueh, P. T., Lo, S. L.* (2021). Measuring urban food-energy-water nexus sustainability: Finding solutions for cities. Science of The Total Environment, 752, 141954.
  • Huang, Y. F., Huang, Y. Y., Chiueh, P. T.*, Lo, S. L. (2020, Jun). Heterogeneous Fenton oxidation of trichloroethylene catalyzed by sewage sludge biochar: Experimental study and life cycle assessment. Chemosphere, 249, 126139.


 International Conferences

  • Lin, T. C., Chiueh, P. T., Hsiao, T. C. (2024, Sep). Refining Ultrafine Particle Observations with De-weather and Explainable Machine Learning. The 31st International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 2024 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Net Zero Emissions Issues (ICAST 2024), Yunlin, Taiwan.
  • Lin, T. C., Chiueh, P. T., Hsiao, T. C. (2024, May). Enhancing PNC Understanding with De-weather Methods and Explainable Machine Learning. Global Chinese Environmental Protection Conference 2024 (GCEPC 2024), Hong Kong, China.
  • Lin, T. C., Hsiao, T. C., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Nov). Integrating Machine Learning Approaches to Illuminate the Relationship between Air Pollutants and Perceived Visibility. KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental Engineering 2023 (KKNN 2023), Singapore.
  • Yang, C. H., Lin, Z. E., Hsu, K. C., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Nov). Classifying chemical environmental impact level in production stage using machine learning methods. KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS Symposium on Environmental Engineering 2023 (KKNN 2023), Singapore.
  • Chen, C. R., Tseng, S. C., Lin, C. H., Tung, H. H., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Oct). Evaluating the effectiveness of sampling sites for SARS-COV-2 wastewater monitoring. 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2023, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
  • Lin, T.C., Chiueh, P.T., Hsiao, T.C. (2023, Sep). Unraveling the contributions of normal/abnormal fluctuations and meteorological factors on atmospheric visibility using an. European Aerosol Science Conference 2023 (EAC 2023), Malaga, Spain.
  • Chang, C. C., Ku, Y. N., Wu, Q. X., Chiang, T. Y., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Jul). The Design of Transportation Pipelines for Carbon Capture and Storage in Taiwan with GIS. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Chen, H. X., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Jul). The impact of energy transition policies on land use changes affects regional ecosystem services. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Lee, Y. H., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Jul). The strategies to improve the circularity of Taiwan's food system: Findings from nitrogen and phosphorus flows. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Lin, Z. E., Chen, C. R., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Jul). Life cycle assessment of swine breeding and manure management: A case study in Yunlin County, Taiwan. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Yang, C. H., Lin, Z. E., Chiueh, P. T. (2023, Jul). Predict chemical environmental impact using machine learning methods. 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023), Leiden, Netherlands.
  • Lin, Z. E., Lee, M. S., Chiueh, P. T. (2022. Oct). Considering synthesis of chemicals in chemical alternative assessment. The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance. Japan.
  • Li, H. H., Chiueh, P. T. (2022. Oct). Quantifying greenhouse gases emission from buildings and vehicles in redeveloped areas under the transit-oriented development strategy: A case study in Taipei city, Taiwan. The 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance. Japan.
  • Lin, T, C., Chiueh, P. T., Hsiao, T. C. (2022. Sep). Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic fluctuations and meteorological contributions on visibility using explainable machine learning. 11th International Aerosol Conference, Greece.
  • Li, H. H., Kung, Z. Y., Chiueh, P. T. (2022.Sep). Using air quality index to evaluate health benefits and economic benefits of air quality improvements. 11th International Aerosol Conference, Greece.
  • Wang, S. Y., Lin, T. C. Li, H. H., Chiueh, P. T. (2022.Sep). Estimate spatial distribution of PM2.5 using satellite remote sensing in land use regression model. 11th International Aerosol Conference, Greece.
  • Yeh, L. C., Lin, Z. E., Chiueh, P. T. (2022. Aug). Integrated assessment to explore strategies for swine manure management: A case study in Yunlin County, Taiwan. 2022 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2022).
  • Lin, C.C., and Chiueh P.T. (2021. Feb). Spatialized characterization factors of water consumption: Considering heterogeneities of receiving environments. The 14th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance.
  • Lin, C.C., Lin, Y.C., and Chiueh P.T. (2021. Jul). A systematic approach for edible city design: Improving added values of urban agriculture. International Conference on Resource Sustainability.
  • Lin, C.C., Liu, E.T., and Chiueh P.T. (2021. Oct). Environmental Impacts Analysis of Residue-Based Bioenergy for Industrial Heating Boilers. Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction.
  • Liu, S.G., Lin, C.C., and Chiueh P.T. (2020. Dec.). Constructing sustainable and resilient cities to adapt to climate change and urbanization with the water-energy-food nexus approach. AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
  • Huang, N.C., Chiueh, P.T. (2020. Sep.). Evaluation of the environmental cobenefits of vehicle electrification with high spatial resolution. The 27th International Conference on Aerosol Science & Technology, 2020 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Air Quality Improvement, Yunlin, Taiwan.


 Domestic Conferences

  • 俞宏達、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。能源轉型下的模型工具特性與應用分析。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 張千晴、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。以政策檢驗與機器學習建模探討焚化爐減排因子。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 蔡汶蓁、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。再生水技術的應用效益:文獻回顧與評估方法。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 洪鈺珊、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。區域性工業用再生水的環境影響與效益評析。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 范晏慈、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。生命週期評估不同農業系統中以有機廢棄物替代化學肥料和飼料的效益。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 黃詩雯、闕蓓德(2024年11月)。替代燃料應用於水泥業的減碳效益綜合評估。中華民國環境工程學會2024環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台中,台灣。
  • 林子琦、闕蓓德、蕭大智(2024年9月)。結合去天氣方法與可解釋機器學習的超細顆粒精細觀測。ICAST 2024第31屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2024細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與淨零排放議題研討會,宜蘭,台灣。
  • 古育寧、闕蓓德 (2023年11月)。以氣候條件、土壤性質及土地管理實踐模擬土壤有機碳量動態變化之回顧。中華民國環境工程學會2023環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台灣。
  • 張千晴、闕蓓德 (2023年11月)。人工神經網路於垃圾組成數據研究之回顧。中華民國環境工程學會2023環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台灣。
  • 江子暘、闕蓓德 (2023年11月)。整合能耗模擬和動態生命週期評估發展人工智慧替代模型優化建築節能策略。中華民國環境工程學會2023環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,台灣。
  • 林子琦、蕭大智、闕蓓德 (2022年11月)。基於影像與語意資料解析民眾空氣品質觀感。中華民國環境工程學會 2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,高雄,台灣。
  • 林子琦、闕蓓德、蕭大智 (2022年11月)。量化COVID-19管制期間人為波動和氣象條件對能見度的影響。中華民國環境工程學會 2022空氣污染控制技術研討會,高雄,台灣。
  • 楊朝旭、陳政睿、闕蓓德 (2022年11月)。演算法建立追溯病毒熱點模組之研究—以 COVID-19 為例。中華民國環境工程學會 2022環境資訊與規劃管理研討會,高雄,台灣。



  • Yuan, M. H., Chiueh, P. T., Chang, Y. S., Tung, H. H., Yu, C. P., Ma, H. W., Lo, S. L. Taipei: Sustainable management for wastescapes: A Food-Water-Energy nexus experiment. In Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities (ISBN: 9780367631970). Routledge. July, 2022.
  • Yuan, M. H., Chiueh, P. T., Chang, Y. S., Tung, H. H., Yu, C. P., Ma, H. W., Lo, S. L. Data and knowledge supporting decision-making for the urban Food-Water-Energy nexus. In Designing Sustainable and Resilient Cities (ISBN: 9780367631970). Routledge. July, 2022.
  • Chiueh, P. T., Lo, S. L., Lee, C. D. A decision support system for assessing remedial technologies for metal-contaminated sites. Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands (ISBN: 9780849341182). Routledge. May, 2018. 2018 reprint.



  • 駱尚廉、闕蓓德、王美茹,利用微波誘發焙燒反應將生質廢棄物轉化為固態燃料之方法,中華民國發明專利TW I417376,2013/12/1公告。