
- 簡歷
- 期刊論文
- 研討會論文
麻省理工學院 土木及環境工程系 博士
多倫多大學 化學工程及應用化學系 碩士
多倫多大學 化學工程及應用化學系 學士
香港城市大學 建築及土木工程系 助理教授
特拉瓦大學 土木及環境工程系 博士後研究員
SCI or SSCI Journal Papers
Kuo, D.T.F.; Rattner, B.A.; Marteinson, S.C.; Letcher, R.J.; Fernie, K.J.; Treu, G.; Deutsch, M.; Johnson, M.; Deglin, S.; Embry, M. (2022). A review on bioaccumulation and biotransformation of organic chemicals in birds. Rev. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 260, 6.
Kuo, C.S.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Chang, A.; Wang, K.; Chou, P.H.; Shih, Y.H. (2022). Rapid debromination of tetrabromobisphenol A by Cu/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles in water, its mechanisms, and genotoxicity after treatments. J. Haz. Mat. 432, Art. No. 128630.
Kuo, D.T.F.; Di Toro, D.M. (2022). Simple determination of biotransformation kinetics using early-time biota concentrations. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 41, 148.
Kuo, D.T.F.; Chen, C.C. (2021). A reduced model for bioconcentration and biotransformation of neutral organic compounds in midge. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 40, 57.
Kuo, D.T.F.; Shih, Y.H. (2020). Meta-analysis on penconazole sorption to soils – modeling variability of KOC and nonlinear isotherm parameters. Geoderma 376, 114536.
Liu, Z.N.; Tam, N.F.Y.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Wu, Q.H.; Du, Y.M.; Shi, Y.F.; Kong, D.G.; Zhang, Y.C.; Li, H.Y.; Hu, X.D. (2020). Removal, seasonal variation, and environmental impact of parabens in a municipal wastewater treatment facility in Guangzhou, China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 27, 28006 – 28015.
Tso, C.P.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Shih, Y.H. (2020). Removal of hexabromocyclododecane by carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized Fe and Ni/Fe bimetallic nanoparticles. Chemosphere 250, 126155.
Liu, Z.N.; Deng, M.J.; Wu, Q.H.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Zeng, L.X.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, X.Y.; Liu, S.Y.; Liang, J.Y. (2019). Occurrence, seasonal variation and environmental impact of phosphorus flame retardants in a large scale wastewater treatment plant. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 26, 36333 – 36342.
Wu, Q.H.; Liu, Z.N.; Liang, J.Y.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Chen, S.J.; Hu, X.D.; Deng, M.J.; Zhang, H.Z.; Lu, Y.H. (2019). Assessing pollution and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants in China’s top coal-producing region. Environ. Monit. Ass. 191, Article No. 102.
Chen, C.C.; Kuo, D.T.F. (2018). Bioconcentration model for non-ionic, polar, and ionizable organic compounds in midge. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37, 1378 – 1386.
Su, P.H.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Shih, Y.H.; Chen, C.Y. (2018). Sorption of organic compounds to two diesel soot black carbons in water evaluated by liquid chromatography and polyparameter linear solvation energy relationship. Wat. Res. 144, 709 – 718.
Deng, M.J.; Kuo, D.T.F.; Wu, Q.H.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, X.Y.; Liu, S.Y.; Hu, X.D.; Mai, B.X.; Liu, Z.N.; Zhang, H.Z. (2018). Organophosphorus flame retardants and heavy metals in municipal landfill leachate treatment system in Guangzhou, China. Environ. Pollut. 236, 137 – 145.
Kuo, D.T.F.; Simini, M.; Allen, H.E. (2018). Sorption and desorption kinetics of nitroglycerin and 2,4-dinitrotoluene in nitrocellulose and implications for residue-bound energetic materials. Wat. Res. 128, 138–147.
International Conferences
- Kuo, D.T.F.; Di Toro, D.M. (2019). Determining biotransformation rate constant using early biota concentration data. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3-7 November 2019.
- Kuo, D.T.F.; Xin, C.F. (2019). Hydrodynamics may influence field bioaccumulation of organic contaminants – a meta-analysis on bivalves data. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3-7 November 2019.
- Kuo, D.T.F. (2019). A macro review on bioaccumulation and biotransformation of many organic compounds in birds. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3-7 November 2019.
- Kuo, D.T.F. (2019). Bioaccumulation and biotransformation databases for organic compounds in birds. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3-7 November 2019.
- Xin, C.F.; Kuo, D.T.F. (2019). Factors influencing the field bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in bivalves. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North American 40th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 3-7 November 2019.
- Kuo, D.T.F. (2018). What if bioaccumulation is concentration dependent? A meta-analysis on invertebrate data. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacremento, CA, 4-8 November 2018.
- Kuo, D.T.F.; Chen, C.C. (2018). Modeling bioconcentration of organic pollutants in amphipods and midges. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacremento, CA, 4-8 November 2018.
- Kuo, D.T.F.; Wu, Q.H.; Deng, M.J.; Hu, X.D.; Liu, Z.N.; Zhang, H.Z. (2018). Occurrence and correlations of many trace metals in sludge from over 40 sewage treatment plants in China. Goldschmidt Conference 2018, Boston, MA, 12-17 August 2018.