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美國研究三角區研究院 環境科學家























環境系統分析研究室 3366-4396


  • The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering Best Research Paper Award
  • Forerunner, UNEP Life Cycle Initiative Award
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
  • Excellent Teaching Award, National Taiwan University
  • Member, International Society of Industrial Ecology
  • Member, Society for Risk Analysis-Taiwan Chapter
  • Chair, Environmental Planning and Management Committee, The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering
  • Secretary General, Taiwan Environmental Technology Exchange Association


 SCI or SSCI Journal Papers

  • Shih, Hsiu-Ching, Yan-Ting Lai, Hao-Yen Yang, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2024. “Development of secondary material competition modelling for evaluation of incentive policies on plastic waste.” Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 434. 140195. (SCIE) (1/2024)
  • Shih, Hsiu-Ching, Chia-Yun Chiang, Hsin-Chih Lai, Min-Chuan Hsiao, Min-Chuan Hsiao, Li-Heng Chen, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2023. “Assessing the nexus of electric vehicle and energy policies on health risks.” Energy. Vol. 282. (SCIE)
  • Lin, Hsin-Ju, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2023. “Analysis of green certification standards related to recycled materials involving textiles based on life cycle thinking.” Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 41. 107-120. (SCIE)
  • Yang, Chih‑Kai, Hwong‑Wen Ma *, Mei‑Hua Yuan. 2023. “Measuring circularity potential for medical waste management – a dynamic circularity performance analysis.” Sustainable Environment Research. Vol. 33. (SCIE)
  • Yang, Chih-Kai, Hwong-wen Ma*, Hsing Liu, Mei-Hua Yuan. 2023. “Measuring circular economy transition potential for industrial wastes.” Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 40, 376-388 (SCIE)
  • Buadit, Tarinee, Achara Ussawarujikulchai, Krisda Suchiva, Seksan Papong, Hwong-wen Ma, Cheerawit Rattanapan*. 2023, “Environmental impact of passenger car tire supply chain in Thailand using the life cycle assessment method.” Sustainable Production and Consumption. Vol. 37, 156-168. (SCIE)
  • Huang, Hsing Fu, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2022, “Redesigning a cap-and-trade program for air emissions by agent-based modeling.” Sustainable Environment Research. 32:47. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42834-022-00157-4 . (SCIE)
  • Chen, Chih-Rung, Hsin-Chih Lai, Min-Chuan Hsiao, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2022. “Benefit analysis of precursor emission reduction on PM2.5: Using CMAQ-RSM to evaluate control strategies in different seasons.” Aerosol and Air Quality Research. Vol. 22, 210381. (SCIE)
  • Li, Pei-Chiun, Hsiu-Ching Shih, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2022. “Applying probabilistic material flow analysis for quality control and management of waste recycling in steelmaking.” Waste Management. Vol. 144, 67-75. (SCIE)
  • Lin, Rui-An, Hwong-wen Ma*.2022. “Detecting spikes and change points in climate- food system: A case study in France.” Environmental Science & Policy. Vol. 127, 146-160. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Tse-Lun, Li-Heng Chen, Yen-Hau Chen, Nelson Felipe Rincón Soto, Yi-Hung Chen, Hwong-wen Ma, Pen-Chi Chiang*. 2021. “A systematic approach to evaluating environmental-economic benefits of high-gravity technology for flue gas purification and municipal solid waste incineration fly ash utilization.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol. 9, Issre6, 106438. (SCIE)
  • Chen, I-Chun *, Kuang-Ly Cheng, Hwong-Wen Ma, Cathy C.W. Hung*. 2021. “Identifying spatial driving factors of energy and water consumption in the context of urban transformation.” Sustainability. 13(19), 10503. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Tse-Lun, Li-Heng Chen, Yu-po J. Lin, Chang-Ping Yu, Hwong-wen Ma*, Pen-Chi Chiang. 2021. “Advanced ammonia nitrogen removal and recovery technology using electrokinetic and stripping process towards a sustainable nitrogen cycle: A review.” Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 309, 127369. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Li-Heng, Pei-Chiun Li, Yu-po Lin, I-Chun Chen, Hwong-wen Ma*, Chang-Ping Yu. 2021. “Establishing a quantification process for nexus repercussions to mitigate environmental impacts in a water-energy interdependency network.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 171, 105628. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Chih-Runga, Hsin-Chih Lai, Meng-I Liao, Min-Chuan Hsiao, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2021. “Health risk assessment of trace elements of ambient PM2.5 under monsoon patterns.” Chemosphere. Vol. 264. Part 1, 128462. (SCIE)
  • Buadit, Tarinee, Cheerawit Rattanapan, Achara Ussawarujikulchai, Krisda Suchiva, Seksan Papong, Hwong-Wen Ma. 2020. “Life cycle assessment of material recovery from pyrolysis process of end-of-life tires in Thailand.” International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. Vol. 11, No. 10. 493-498. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Chi-Feng, Kuo-Lun Feng, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2020. “Uncover the interdependent environmental impacts associated with the water-energy-food nexus under resource management strategies.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 160, 104909. (SCIE)
  • Li, Pei-Chiun, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2020. “Evaluating the environmental impacts of the water-energy-food nexus with a life-cycle approach.” Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 157, 104789. (SCIE)
  • Chen, Li‐Heng, Pei-ying Hung, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2020. “Integrating circular business models and development tools in the circular economy transition process: A firm‐level framework.” Business Strategy and the Environment. Vol. 29, Issue 5, 1887-1898. (SSCI)
  • Chen, I-Chun, Yi-Hsin Wang, Wei Lin, Hwong-wen Ma*. 2020. “Assessing the risk of the food-energy-water nexus of urban metabolism: A case study of Kinmen Island, Taiwan.” Ecological Indicators. Vol. 110, 105861. (SCIE)


 International Conferences

  • Shih, Hsiu,-Ching, Han-Lin, Kuo, Hwong-wen Ma. “Assessing the effect of construction and demolition waste recycling on greenhouse gas emissions and economy with a regional computable general equilibrium model”. EcoBalance 2024, Nov. 3-7, Japan.
  • Yeh, Chi-Chun, Hsiu-Ching, Shih, Kai-Chieh, Yu, Hwong-Wen, Ma, “Assessing the environmental impact and offset potential of lithium batteries in electric vehicles”. EcoBalance 2024, Nov. 3-7, Japan.
  • Lin, Rui-An, Hwong-wen Ma, 2024. “Application and Scenario Simulation of Multimodal GPT in Circular Economy Transition: A Case Study of Taiwan's Material Flow Data.” 2024 International Conference on Resource Sustainability, Nov. 5-8, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Lou, Chia-Kai, Hwong-Wen Ma. 2023. “Assessing the Influence of Information Feedback on Energy-Efficient Behaviors of Households with Agent-Based Model – A Case Study in the Usage of Residential Air Conditioners.” 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, July 2-5, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Li, Rui-An, Hwong-Wen Ma. 2021. “An Autonomous and Integrated Evaluation Framework for Retrofitting Resource Recovery Facilities.” 5th MatER Meeting 6th International Conference on Final Sinks, Virtual Event.
  • Yang, Fei-Chiao, Hwong-wen Ma. 2021. “Environmental Impact of Refrigerant During Maintenance and Disposal Through Montreal Protocol and its Amendments in Taiwan.” 5th MatER Meeting 6th International Conference on Final Sinks, Virtual Event.


 Domestic Conferences

  • 趙家怡、施秀靜、馬鴻文,2024. “應用IO-LCA模型模擬汰役智慧型手機循環經濟處置策略之環境經濟效益分析.” 環工年會。11月15~16日。台中。
  • 李浩維,馬鴻文,施秀靜,2023. “應用建築結構鋼直接再利用循環經濟商業模式之經濟影響與減碳效益。”環工年會。11月17~19日,宜蘭。
  • 李培群,馬鴻文,2023.“以產業關聯的角度分析聚丙烯的流布與循環經濟效益。” 11月17~19日,宜蘭。
  • 趙家怡,呂詠惠,施秀靜,馬鴻文,2023。“以IO-MFN模型評估聚酯產品聯盟對濟與環境之影響。” 環工年會。11月17~19日,宜蘭。
  • 黃梓恩,馬鴻文,2023“台灣通用塑膠物質流分析。” 環工年會。 11月17~19日,宜蘭。



  • Douglas J Crawford-Brown, Hwong-Wen Ma. 2022. “Multi-Pathway and Cumulative Risk Assessment: Selecting Optimal Pollution Prevention Strategies”. Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing. 203-213. Springer.
  • Hwong-Wen Ma, Hsiu-Ching Shih, Meng-I Liao. 2021. 『Pursuing Sustainability. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science』. Ch6: Circular Economy and New Research Directions in Sustainability.
  • 馬鴻文, 李培群 (2020年12月)。台灣循環經濟發展論,第六章:「物質流分析與循環經濟應用」。財團法人現代財經基金會。ISBN13:9789865812904



  • 馬鴻文等(2023年07月)封測產業關鍵物料管理策略研析。
  • 馬鴻文等(2023年05月)建立循環經濟策略效益與衝擊的評估模式。
  • 馬鴻文等(2022年10月)中鋼衍生性 PM2.5健康危害評估方法建立暨PM2.5評估模組整合。
  • 馬鴻文等(2021年10月)。都市循環經濟-建立二次物料轉型之經濟與環境整合性評估方法周桂田、馬鴻文等(2021年03月)。台灣2050前瞻轉型研究 (3/4)
  • 周桂田、馬鴻文等(2021年03月)。台灣2050前瞻轉型研究 (3/4)
  • 馬鴻文等(2021年03月)。中鋼原生性PM2.5健康危害評估工具建立。
  • 馬鴻文等(2020年10月)。台灣電力股份有限公司火力電廠PM2.5及重金屬排放特性研究健康風險評估。
  • 周桂田、馬鴻文等(2020年03月)。台灣2050前瞻轉型研究(2/4)
  • 馬鴻文(2020年12月)臺奧(AT)國合計畫-都市建築二次資源礦藏探勘-建立方法、模式與系統
  • 馬鴻文(2020年12月)建構永續水再生系統邁向循環經濟-評估並促進水循環系統之水-能源-資源交織的永續性