
- 簡歷
- 榮譽
- 期刊論文
- 研討會論文
- 著作
國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所 教授(2014-2019)
國立臺灣大學分子科學與技術國際研究生博士學位學程 合聘教授(2018-present)
財團法人工業技術研究院材料與化工研究所 合聘資深研究員(2017/11-2019/3)
香港理工大學 RISUD訪問教授 (2016 Jan-July)
美國史丹佛大學 UPS訪問教授(2014-2015)
國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所 副教授(2010-2014)
國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所 助理教授(2006-2010)
美國Kennedy/Jenks環境工程顧問 研究員 (2005-2006)
新興污染物實驗室 3366-9792
- Journal of Hazardous Materials 編輯
- Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters 編輯
- ACS ES&T Water 編輯委員會成員
- Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 副編輯
- World's Top 2% Scientist – Single year impact (2021, 2022, 2023)
- World's Top 2% Scientist – Career Impact (2021, 2022, 2023)
- 國立臺灣大學全英語授課教學優良獎,2021
- 科技部傑出研究獎,2018
- 中華民國環境工程學會105年度優秀青年工程師獎
- 科技部環工學門優秀年輕學者計畫,2016
- 第一屆 Scopus 青年科學家獎-環境科學領域第一名
- 科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎,2013
- 國家衛生研究院研究發展獎助計畫,2012
- 美國Tau Beta Pi榮譽工程協會獎
- 美國國家科學委員會(NSF)獎碩博士研究獎學金
- 美國加州理工學院Upper-Class Merit (Carnation)獎三年全額獎學金
- 財團法人慶恩教育基金會綠色科技論文獎, 2023
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 學術論文獎, 2022
SCI or SSCI Journal Papers
- Wang YH, Lin Angela YC*, “Accumulation of micropollutants, byproducts, and metabolites in vegetables cultivated with treated water”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 480, 136475
- Lin HHH, Hsieh MC, Jennifer Ia Wen Wen Liu, Wang YH, Huang SJ, Liena E, Huang LW, Chiueh PT, Tung HH, Lin Angela YC*, “Investigating illicit drug hotspots and daily variations using sewer-network wastewater analysis”, Chemosphere, 2024, 368, 143690
- Chen YJ, Yang JS, Lin Angela YC*, “Comprehensive nontargeted analysis of fluorosurfactant byproducts and reaction products in wastewater from semiconductor manufacturing”, Sustainable Environment Research, 2024, 34, 14
- Lin HHH, Wang YH, Liu JIWW, Hsieh MC, Huang SJ, Lien E, Huang LW, Lin Angela YC*, “Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes in illicit drug use in the Taipei metropolitan area via wastewater-based epidemiology”, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 934, 173313
- Yang JS, Wu JC, Hou CH, Lin Angela YC*, “The removal and transformation of fipronil using a photoelectrochemical device combined with a carbonized TiO2 nanocomposite electrode”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2024, 64, 105631
- Hsieh MC, Lee WN, Chu YH, Lin HHH, Lin Angela YC*, “Sunlight enhanced the formation of tribromomethane from benzotriazole degradation during the sunlight/free chlorine treatment in the presence of bromide”, Chemosphere, 2024, 357, 142039
- Chen YJ, Wang RD, Shih YL, Chin HY, Lin Angela YC*, “Emerging Perfluorobutane Sulfonamido Derivatives as a New Trend of Surfactants Used in the Semiconductor Industry”, Environmental Science & Technology, 58(3), 1648-1658
- Kung WM, Lin Hank HH, Wang YH, Lin Angela YC*, “Solar-driven persulfate degradation of caffeine and cephradine in synthetic human urine”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 465, 133031
- Lin Hank HH, Lin Angela YC*, “Peracetic acid s an alternative disinfectant for micropollutants degradation and disinfection byproducts control in outdoor swimming pools”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 464, 132988
- Tan JX, Chen ZY, Chen CH, Hsieh MF, Lin Angela YC*, Chen SS*, Wu Kevin CW*, “Efficient adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of water emerging contaminants through nanoarchitectonics of pore sizes and optical properties of zirconium-based MOFs”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 131113
- Wang YH, Chuang YH*, Lin Angela YC*, “Evolution of reactive species and their contribution to the removal of ketamine and amine-containing pharmaceuticals during the sunlight/chlorine process”, Water Research, 2023, 233, 119738
- Lai SC, Lin Hank HH, Yang JS, Hsieh MC, Lin Angela YC*, “Solar photodegradation of the UV filter benzotriazole in the presence of persulfate”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11(1), 109189
- Chen ZY, Lai Webber WP*, Lin Hank HH, Tan JX, Wu Kevin CW, Lin Angela YC*, “Photocatalytic degradation of ketamine using a reusable TiO2/SiO2@ Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalyst under simulated solar light”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10 (6), 108637
- Choo ZS, Hsieh MC, Lin Hank HH, Yang JS, Lin Angela YC*, “Reactive Chlorine Species in the Enhanced Degradation of UV Stabilizers During the Sunlight/Free Chlorine Process”, Chemosphere, 2022, 309, 136677
- Hsieh MC, Su YH, Hsu MH, Lin Angela YC*, “Enhanced MnO2 oxidation of methotrexate through self-sensitized photolysis” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 438 , 129494
- Wanga HJ, Lin Hank HH, Hsieha MC, Lin Angela YC*, “Photoaged polystyrene microplastics serve as photosensitizers that enhance cimetidine photolysis in an aqueous environment” Chemosphere, 2022, 133352
- Cheng CF, Lin Hank HH, Tung HH, Lin Angela YC*, “Enhanced solar photodegradation of a plasmid-encoded extracellular antibiotic resistance gene in the presence of free chlorine” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 106984
- Panyod S, Wu WK, Chen PC, Chong KV, Yang YT, Chuang HL, Chen CC, Chen RA, Liu PY, Chung CH, Huang HS, Lin Angela YC, Shen David TC, Yang KC, Huang TF, Hsu CC, Ho CT, Kao HL, Orekhov A, Wu MS, Sheen LY*,“Atherosclerosis Amelioration by Allicin in Raw Garlic through Gut Microbiota and Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Modulation” NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes, 2022, 8 (1), 1-13
- Yang JS, Lai Webber WP , Lin Angela YC*, “New insight into PFOS transformation pathways and the associated competitive inhibition with other perfluoroalkyl acids via photoelectrochemical processes using GOTiO2 film photoelectrodes” Water Research, 2021, 117805
- Shih CY, Wang YH, Chen YJ, Chen HA, Lin Angela YC*, “Enhanced sorption of the UV filter 4-methylbenzylidene camphor on aged PET microplastics from both experimental and theoretical perspectives” RSC Advances, 2021, 11, pp. 32494-32504
- Chen KY, Lai Webber WP, Wang HJ, Lin CC, Chencd CW, Lin Angela YC*, “Clean water generation through a multifunctional activated carbon-TiO2 interfacial solar distillation system” RSC Advances, 2021, 11, pp. 23036-23044
- Lin Hank HH and Lin Angela YC*, “Solar photo-Fenton oxidation of cytostatic drugs via Fe (III)-EDDS at circumneutral pH in an aqueous environment” Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 41, 102066
- Hsiao HY, Lin Hank HH, Yang JS, Hsieh MC, Wu PH, Yu CP, Lin Angela YC*, “Intracellular organic matter from Chlorella vulgaris enhances the photodegradation of acetaminophen” Chemosphere, 2021,129507
- Hsieh SC, Lai Webber WP, Lin Angela YC*, “Kinetic and mechanism of 4-methylbenzylidene camphor degradation by UV-activated persulfate oxidation” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021 ,pp. 18021-18034
- WK Wu, S Panyod, PY Liu, CC Chen, HL Kao, HL Chuang, YH Chen, HB Zou, HC Kuo, CH Kuo, BY Liao, THT Chiu, CH Chung, AYC Lin, YC Lee, SL Tang, JT Wang, YW Wu, CC Hsu, LY Sheen, AN Orekhov and MS Wu*, “Characterization of TMAO productivity from carnitine challenge facilitates personalized nutrition and microbiome signatures discovery” Microbiome, 2020, 8, 162
- Hester ET*, Lin Angela YC, Tsai CW, “Effect of Floodplain Restoration on Photolytic Removal of Pharmaceuticals” Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54 (6), pp.3278-3287
- Lin YC, Hsiao TC*, Lin Angela YC*, “Urban wastewater treatment plants as a potential source of ketamine and methamphetamine emissions to air” Water Research, 2020, 172, 115495
- Yang JS, Lai Webber WP, Panchangam SC*, Lin Angela YC*, “Photoelectrochemical degradation of perfluorooctanoic (PFOA) with GOP25/FTO anodes: Intermediates and reaction pathways” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391, 122247
- Lai Webber WP, Chen KL, Lin Angela YC*, “Solar photodegradation of the UV filter 4-methylbenzylidene camphor in the presence of free chlorine” Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 722, 137860
- Hsieh MC, Lai Webber WP, Lin Angela YC*, “Sunlight photolysis mitigates the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) during the chloramination of methadone” Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 384, 123307
- Tseng YJ, Lai Webber WP, Tung HH, Lin Angela YC*, “Pharmaceutical and anticorrosive substance removal by woodchip column reactor: removal process and effects of operational parameters” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2020, 22, pp.187-196
- Hsiao TC*, Lin Angela YC, Lien WC, Lin YC, “Size distribution, biological characteristics and emerging contaminants of aerosols emitted from an urban wastewater treatment plant” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 121809
Other Journal Papers
- Sheen LY*, Panyod S, Wu WK, Chen PC, Chong KV, Yang YT, Chuang HL, Chen CC, Chen RA, Liu PY, Chung CH, Huang HS, Lin Angela YC, Shen David TC, Yang KC, Huang TF, Hsu CC, Ho CT, Kao HL, Orekhov A, Wu MS, “Atherosclerosis Amelioration by Allicin in Raw Garlic through Gut Microbiota and Trimethylamine-N-Oxide Modulation” Research Square, 2021, DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-519786/v1.
International Conferences
- Lee WN and Lin Angela YC* (2024) “Ultraviolet treatments for eliminating organic matters and micropollutants in water”, The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 16–20
- Yang JS, Wu JC, Hou CH and Lin Angela YC* (2024) “Evolution of reactive species during pesticide degradation by the photoelectrochemical device in vegetable-washing-water media: Transformation and detoxification”, The 13th IWA Micropol & Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 16-20
- Liu Jennifer IWW, Lin Hank HH, Wang YH, Hsieh MC, Huang SJ, Lien E, Huang LW, Lin Angela YC* (2024) “Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes in illicit drug use in the Taipei metropolitan area via wastewater-based epidemiology”, The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 16-20
- Wang YH, Chuang YH, Lin Angela YC* (2024), “Evolution of reactive species and their contribution to the removal of pharmaceuticals during the sunlight/chlorine process”, The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, June 16-20
- Mynor Estrada, Wang YH and Lin Angela YC* (2024) “Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Guatemala’s water systems”, The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Jun. 16–20
- Yang JS, Lai Webber WP, Panchangam SC, Lin Angela YC* (2023) “Photoelectrochemical technologies for efficient degradation of the perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in aqueous environment” The 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 22-26
- Hsieh MC, Lee WN, Chu YH, Lin Hank HH, Lin Angela YC* (2023) “Sunlight enhances the formation of disinfection byproducts during the chlorination process in the presence of bromide” The 29th Joint KAIST-KYOTO-NTU-NUS (KKNN) Symposium on Environmental Engineering, Singapore, Nov. 19-21
- Lin Hank HH, Wang HJ, Hsieh MC, Lin Angela YC* (2023) “Photochemistry of microplastics and its associate effect on the coexisting pharmaceuticals in an aqueous environment” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2023 Harnessing the Power of Data, San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 13-17
- Hsieh MC, Su YH, Hsu MH, Lin Hank HH, Lin Angela YC* (2023) “Enhanced pharmaceuticals degradation by the coexistence of sunlight photolysis and MnO2 oxidation” American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall 2023 Harnessing the Power of Data, San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 13-17
- Hester ET*, Scott DT, Azinheira DL, Brooks KE, Calfe M, Guth C, Hammond B, Lin Angela YC, Tsai CW, “Can stream and river restoration solve the excess nitrogen problem?” River Flow 2020, CRC Press, Aug, 2020: 2150-2153
- 童心欣、林郁真、闕蓓德、蔡坤憲,污水下水道傳染病原體與特殊污染物監測作業建置計畫,期中報告,2024/8 (內政部營建署)
- 林郁真,過氧乙酸及過氧甲酸結合紫外光及自然光作為創新水處理技術‐去除水中新興污染物之潛力探討(2/3) 精簡報告,2024/5 (國科會)
- 林郁真,自然水體中二氧化錳以及光降解的協同作用‒活性物種對新興污染物之去除、副產物鑑定及降解機制之探討(2/3) 精簡報告,2024/5 (國科會)
- 林郁真,廢(污)水分析毒品監(檢)測計畫委託研究案,成果報告,2023/12 (臺灣高等檢察署)
- 林郁真,過氧乙酸及過氧甲酸結合紫外光及自然光作為創新水處理技術‐去除水中新興污染物之潛力探討(1/3) 精簡報告,2023/5 (國科會)
- 林郁真,自然水體中二氧化錳以及光降解的協同作用‒活性物種對新興污染物之去除、副產物鑑定及降解機制之探討(1/3) 精簡報告,2023/5 (國科會)
- 童心欣、林郁真、闕蓓德、蔡坤憲,污水下水道傳染病原體與特殊污染物監測作業建置計畫,期初報告,2023/5 (內政部營建署)
- 林郁真,紫外光阻隔劑及紫外光穩定劑於自由餘氯存在下之光化學宿命-反應動力學及反應物種研究 (3/3),成果報告,2023/01 (國科會)
- 林郁真,廢(污)水分析毒品監(檢)測計畫委託研究案,成果報告,2022/12 (臺灣高等檢察署)
- 林郁真,探討水耕蔬菜吸收新興污染物與其消毒程序中所產生的副產物 (3/3),成果報告,2022/10 (國科會)
- 林郁真,紫外光阻隔劑及紫外光穩定劑於自由餘氯存在下之光化學宿命-反應動力學及反應物種研究 (2/3),精簡報告,2021/05 (科技部)
- 林郁真,探討水耕蔬菜吸收新興污染物與其消毒程序中所產生的副產物 (2/3),精簡報告,2021/05 (科技部)
- 林郁真,國立臺灣大學高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群「自然光降解於最終淨化程序之應用」,成果報告,2021/01(國立臺灣大學)
- 林郁真,廢(污)水分析毒品監(檢)測計畫之可行性評估委託研究案,成果報告,2020/12 (臺灣高等檢察署)
- 林郁真,探討水耕蔬菜吸收新興污染物與其消毒程序中所產生的副產物(1/3),精簡報告,2020/06 (科技部)
- 林郁真,紫外光阻隔劑及紫外光穩定劑於自由餘氯存在下之光化學宿命-反應動力學及反應物種研究 (1/3),精簡報告,2020/06(科技部)