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英國曼徹斯特大學地球大氣與環境科學 博士
國立中興大學環境工程系 碩士
國立中興大學 學士
空氣污染化學暨氣候變遷實驗室 3366-3366 ext.56029
SCI or SSCI Journal Papers
- Ting, Y.-C., Ku, C.-H., Zou, Y.-X., Chi, K.-H., Soo, J.-C., Hsu, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-C. (2023). Characteristics and source-specific health risks of ambient PM2.5-bound PAHs in an urban city of northern Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 23, Issue 11.
- Ting, Y.-C., Chang, P.-K., Hung, P.-C., Chou, C.-K., Chi, K.-H., & Hsiao, T.-C. (2023). Characterizing emission factors and oxidative potential of motorcycle emissions in a real-world tunnel environment. Environmental Research, Vol. 234, 116601.
- Chen, Z.-W., Ting, Y.-C.*, Huang, C.-H., & Ciou, Z.-j. (2023). Sources-oriented contributions to ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation potential based on initial VOCs in an urban area of eastern Asia. Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 892, 164392. (NSTC-111-2222-E-002-012).
- Huang, C.-H., Ho, Y.-R., Lin, T.-C., Cheng, Y.-H., Chen, Y.-C., & Ting, Y.-C*. (2023). Implications of the improvement in atmospheric fine particles: a case study of COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Taiwan. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 23, Issue 5.
- Chen, T.-L., Hsiao, T.-C., Chuang, H.-C., Ting, Y.-C., & Wang, C.-H. (2022). A mobile platform for characterizing on-road tailpipe emissions and toxicity of ultrafine particles under real driving Conditions. Environmental Research, 216, 114523.
- Ting, Y.-C., Ko, Y.-R., Huang, C.-H., Cheng, Y.-H., & Huang, C.-H. (2022). Optical properties and potential sources of water-soluble and methanol-soluble organic aerosols in Taipei, Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment, 290, 119364 (MOST-111-2222- E-002-012).
- Ting, Y. C., Young, L. H., Lin, T. H., Tsay, S. C., Chang, K. E., & Hsiao, T. C. Quantifying the impacts of PM2. 5 constituents and relative humidity on visibility impairment in a suburban area of eastern Asia using long-term in-situ measurements. 2021. Science of The Total Environment, 151759 (MOST-107-EPA-F-004-003).
- Ting, Y. C., Liu, D., Morgan, W. T., Allan, J. D., Coe, H., Li, C., Wang, X., Ye, X., & Chen, J. Characterizing Black Carbon and Gaseous Pollutants on the Yangtze River Across Eastern China Continent. 2021. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(8), e2020JD033488.
- Mitchell, E. J. S., Ting, Y., Allan, J., Lea-Langton, A.R., Spracklen, D. V., McFiggans, G., Coe, H., Routledge, M. N., Williams, A., and Jones, J.M. 2019. Pollutant Emissions from Improved Cookstoves of the type used in Sub-Saharan Africa. Combustion Science & Technology, 1-21.
- Reyes-Villegas, E., Priestley, M., Ting, Y. C., Haslett, S., Bannan, T., Breton, M. L., Williams, P. I., Bacak, A., Flynn, M. J. & Coe, H. 2018. Simultaneous aerosol mass spectrometry and chemical ionisation mass spectrometry measurements during a biomass burning event in the UK: insights into nitrate chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 4093-4111.
- Ting, Y., Mitchell, E. J. S., Allan, J. D., Liu, D., Spracklen, D. V., Williams, A., Jones, J. M., Lea-Langton, A. R., McFiggans, G., and Coe, H. 2018. Mixing State of Carbonaceous Aerosols of Primary Emissions from “Improved” African Cookstoves. Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 10134-10143.
International Conferences
- I.L. Kuo, C.J. Hsu, Y.C. Ting, & H.C. Hsi. A novel single–process synthesis of ammonia–modified biochar for CO2 capture. Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies, 2023. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Yi-Ting Wei, Zih-Jhe Ciou, Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Zih-Wun Chen, Ruei-Hao Shie, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Yu-Chieh Ting. Sources-Attributed Health Risks Induced by VOCs During Ozone Episodes in an Urban Area of Central Taiwan. The 29th Joint KAIST-KU-NTU-NUS(KKNN) Symposium on Environmental Engineering(2023 KKNN).
- Yueh-Ling Hung , Yu-Hsiang Cheng & Yu-Chieh Ting. Seasonal and diurnal variations in the light-absorbing properties of water-soluble and methanol-soluble brown carbon in Taichung, Taiwan. The 30th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 2023 Conference on Fine Particle Matter (PM2.5), Air Quality and Net Zero Emissions Issues (2023 ICAST).
- Zih-Jhe Ciou, Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Zih-Wun Chen, Ruei-Hao Shie, Yu-Hsiang Cheng & Yu-Chieh Ting. Characteristics, source apportionment and health risks of VOCs during ozone episode in an urban area of central Taiwan. The 30th International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, 2023 Conference on Fine Particle Matter (PM2.5), Air Quality and Net Zero Emissions Issues (2023 ICAST).
- Y.C. Ting, Z.W. Chen, C.H. Huang, & Z.J. Ciou. Source-oriented contributions to O3 and SOA formation potential based on initial VOCs in an urban area of Eastern Asia. European Aerosol Conference, 2023. Malaga, Spain.
- Y.L. Hung, Y.R. Ko, C.H. Ma, C.C. Hsu, Y.H. Cheng & Y.C. Ting. Identification and light-absorbing contribution of BrC chromophores in an urban area of East Asia. European Aerosol Conference, 2023. Malaga, Spain.
- Zih-Jhe Ciou, Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Zih-Wun Chen, Ruei-Hao Shie, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Yu-Chieh Ting. Characteristics, source apportionment and health risks of VOCs during ozone episode in urban area of central Taiwan. Theory and Technique & International Aerosol Conference, 2023. Kanchanaburi, Thailand. (Oral presentation).
- Yue-Ling Hung, Yi-Ru Ko, Cheng-Hua Ma, Cheng-Chih Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng and Yu-Chieh Ting. Chemical constituents and light-absorbing properties of BrC chromophores in Taipei city, Taiwan. Theory and Technique International Aerosol Conference (T&T IAC) 2023. Kanchanaburi, Thailand. (Student oral presentation).
- I-Lin Kuo, Che-Jung Hsu, Yu-Chieh Ting, Hsing-Cheng Hsi. A novel single-process synthesis of ammonialized biochar for CO2 capture. Air & Waste Management Association’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2023. Orlando, Florida, United States. (Student poster competition).
- Invited speaker, Digestate-derived biochar for air pollution removal and the feasibility to produce solid recovered fuel. 1st International Symposium on Carbon Materials for Energy, Environment, Sustainability, and Bio-applications with the 6th Taiwan Carbon Conference, 2023. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Yi-Ru Ko, Cheng-Hua Ma, Cheng-Chih Hsu and Yu-Chieh Ting. Optical properties and chemical characteristics of brown carbon chromophores in northern Taiwan. Theory and Technique & International Conference on Sustainable Environment, 2023. Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Oral presentation)
- Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Zih-Jhe Ciou, Zih-Wun Chen, Ruei-Hao Shie, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, and Yu-Chieh Ting. Characterization of PM2.5-associated oxidative potential and O3 formation mechanism. Theory and Technique & International Conference on Sustainable Environment, 2023. Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Oral presentation)
- Invited speaker, Investigation of the formation mechanism of PM2.5 and O3 and the influence of their precursors and atmospheric oxidizing capacity, The 3rd Strait City Environmental Summit Forum and Xiamen International Environmental Protection Product Innovation Technology Exhibition, Xiamen, China, Nov. 18-20, 2022
- Yu-Chieh Ting, Yi-Ru Ko, Cheng-Hua Ma, Cheng-Chih Hsu. Optical Properties and Chemical Composition of Methanol-Soluble Brown Carbon Chromophores in an Urban Area of Northern Taiwan. International Atmospheric Chemistry Conference, 2022. Manchester, UK. (Poster)
- Y.C. Ting, Y.R. Ko, Y.H. Cheng, C.H. Huang, and C. H. Huang. Optical properties and potential sources of water- and methanol-soluble organic aerosols in the capital of Taiwan. International Aerosol Conference, 2022. Athens, Greece. (Oral presentation)
- Yi-Ru Ko, Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Chuo-Hsi Huang, Yu-Ming Chu and Yu-Chieh Ting. Light Absorbing Properties of Water/Methanol-Soluble Organic Carbon in PM2.5 at an Urban Site in Northern Taiwan. Asian Aerosol Conference, 2022. Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)
- Chuan-Hsiu Huang, Yi-Ru Ko, Yu-Hsiang Chen, Yu-Xuan Zou and Yu-Chieh Ting. Impact of Level-3 Alert on Chemical Compositions in PM2.5 during the Outbreak of COVID-19 Epidemic in Taipei, Taiwan. Asian Aerosol Conference, 2022. Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)
- Invited speaker, 利用長期在線量測探討PM2.5化學組成及濕度對能見度的影響(virtual),第五屆海峽兩岸城市環境青年學者研討會,廈門,大陸,Nov. 5, 2021.
- Y.C. Ting, D. Liu, W. T. Morgan, J. D. Allan, H. Coe, C. Li, X. Wang, X. Ye and J. Chen. Characterising the Air Pollutants Over the Yangtze River in China. Atmospheric Science Conference, 2018. York, UK. (Poster)
Domestic Conferences
- 郭以琳、許哲榮、丁育頡、席行正 (2023年11月)。以新型單一程序合成二氧化碳捕捉之氨化生質炭。中華民國環境工程學會第三十五屆(2023)年會暨各專門學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣。
- 邱子哲、黃傳修、陳子文、謝瑞豪、程裕祥、丁育頡 (2023年11月)。解析台中都會區揮發性有機化合物於臭氧事件日之特性、光化學作用、來源與健康風險。中華民國環境工程學會第三十五屆(2023)年會暨各專門學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣。
- 洪悦綾、程裕祥、丁育頡 (2023年11月)。台中都會區褐碳之光學特性季節及晝夜變化之探討。中華民國環境工程學會第三十五屆(2023)年會暨各專門學術研討會,宜蘭,台灣。
- 丁育頡、黃傳修、陳子文 (2022年12月)。解析PM2.5與臭氧形成機制及其前驅物與大氣氧化力之影響潛勢。111年環境科技論壇,台北,台灣。
- 黃傳修、程裕祥、丁育頡(2022年11月)。空氣污染之減量策略與未來挑戰:以台北市三級警戒前後 PM2.5化學特性及來源差異為例。中華民國環境工程學會 2022空氣污染控制技術研討會,高雄,台灣。
- 陳子文、黃傳修、丁育頡(2022年11月)。萬華光化測站之揮發性有機化合物特性、臭氧生成潛勢與二次有機氣膠生成潛勢光化反應研究。中華民國環境工程學會 2022空氣污染控制技術研討會,高雄,台灣。
- 柯宜汝、陳芝穎、丁育頡(2021年9月)。冬季臺北都會區大氣棕碳的光學特性。第28屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會,屏東,臺灣。