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空氣污染與環境材料實驗室  3366-4398


  • 中國工程師學會工程論文獎,2021,2020, 2018
  • 臺灣大學工學院學術勵進獎,2021
  • 慶恩教育基金會綠色科技論文獎,2022, 2021, 2020, 2015
  • 中華民國環境工程學會學術論文獎,2021, 2018
  • 中華民國環境工程學會優秀工程師獎,2020
  • 台灣氣膠研究學會最佳工程論文獎,2020, 2018
  • Journal of Hazardous Materials期刊編輯委員
  • 美國空氣與廢棄物管理協會期刊(JAWMA)副編輯
  • 美國土木工程協會環境工程期刊(JEE, ASCE)副編輯
  • 台灣大學教學優良獎,2019, 2017
  • 工程學院優等研究獎,國立台北科技大學,2012
  • 工程學院傑出教學獎,國立台北科技大學,2012
  • 校優良教學獎,國立高雄第一科技大學,2009, 2004

 SCI or SSCI Journal Papers

  •  Hsu, C.J.; Wang, Y.C.; Chung, A.; Dong, C.D.; Chen, C.W.; Ting, Y.; Hsi, H.C.* Mercury pollution control and Marphysa sanguinea bio-response in active-capped sediment with calcium alginate/activated carbon composite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2025, 487, 137096. (Q1, SCI IF =13.6, 10/275 [3.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Chen, T.C.; Chung, A.; Hsu, C.J.; Hsi, H.C.* Selective adsorption/reduction of Au in electronic waste recycling wastewater by self-assembled thiourea-crosslinked reduced graphene oxide framework ball. Separation and Purification Technology 2025, 353, 128374. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.6, 12/142 [8.4%] Engineering, Chemical)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Chiang, Y.A.; Chung, A.;Hsi, H.C.* High-selective platinum and palladium capture using polyamide 6: a potent material for platinum group metals’ recovery from spent car catalytic converter. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 370, 123047. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.7, 31/275 [11.1%] Environmental Sciences).
  • Chou, Y.C.; Huang, H.P.; You, S.W.; Hou, C.H.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* Supercapacitor electrodes derived from ultra-high surface area activated carbon spheres synthesized by fluidized activation. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2024, 328, 130002. (Q1, SCI IF = 4.3, 153/439 [34.9%] Materials Science, Multidisciplinary).
  • Kao, C.S.; Wang, Y.L.; Jiang, C.B.; Tai, P.J.; Chen, Y.H.; Chao. H.J.; Lo, Y.C.; Hseu, Z.Y.; Hsi, H.C.*; Chien, L.C.*. Assessment of sources and health risks of heavy metals in metropolitan household dust among preschool children: The LEAPP-HIT study. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 352, 120015. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.7, 31/275 [11.1%] Environmental Sciences).
  • Chen, Y.J.; Chung, A.; Hsi, H.C.* Selective adsorption of gold ion in wastewater with competing cations by novel thiourea-reduced graphene oxide. Sustainable Environment Research 2024, 34, 21. (Q2, SCI IF = 4.6, 98/358 [27.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Kao, C.S., Wang, Y.L., Jiang, C.B., Tai, P.J., Chen, Y.H., Chao, H.J., Lo, Y.C., Hseu, Z.Y., Hsi, H.C.*, Chien LC*. Assessment of sources and health risks of heavy metals in metropolitan household dust among preschool children: The LEAPP-HIT study. Journal of Environmental Management 2024, 352, 120015. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.7, 31/275 [11.1%] Environmental Sciences).
  • Hsu, C.J.; Cheng, Y.H.; Chung, A.; Huang, Y.P.; Ting, Y.; Hsi, H.C.* Using recoverable sulfurized magnetic biochar for active capping to remediate multiple heavy metal contaminated sediment. Environmental Pollution 2023, 316(1), 120555. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.9, 28/275 [10%] Environmental Science)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Xiao, Y.Z.; Chung, A.; Hsi, H.C.* Novel applications of vacuum distillation for heavy metals removal from wastewater, copper nitrate hydroxide recovery, and copper sulfide impregnated activated carbon synthesis for gaseous mercury adsorption. Science of The Total Environment 2023, 855, 158870. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Y.L.; Tsou, M.C.; Lai, L.C.; Hseu, Z.Y.; Hsi, H.C.*; Chien, L.C.* Oral and inhalation bioaccessibility of mercury in contaminated soils and potential health risk to the kidneys and neurodevelopment of children in Taiwan. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2023, 45, 6267–6286. (Q2, SCI IF = 4.2, 104/275 [37.6%] Environmental Sciences)
  •  Wang, Y.C.; Lv, Y.H.; Wang, C.*; Jiang, G.Y.; Han, M.F.; Deng, J.G.;Hsi, H.C.; Microbial community evolution and functional trade-offs of biofilm in odor treatment biofilters. Water Research 2023, 235, 119917. (Q1, SCI IF = 12.8, 13/275 [4.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Hu, X.R.; Wang, Y.C.; Tong, Z.; Wang, C.*; Duan, E.H.; Han, M.F.; Hsi, H.C.; Deng, J.G. Degradation of trichloroethylene by double dielectric barrier discharge (DDBD) plasma technology: Performance, product analysis and acute biotoxicity assessment. Chemosphere 2023, 239, 138651. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.8, 27/334 [7.98%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Lee, C.L.; Hsi, H.C.; Chang, C.M.* Linear correlation between electronegativity and adsorption energy of hydrated metal ions by carboxyl-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2023, 25, 59. (Q3, SCI IF = 2.5, 106/178 [59.3%] Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)
  • Chi, S.C.; Hsi, H.C.; Chang, C.M.* Quantum chemical GA-MLR, cluster model, and conceptual DFT descriptors studies on the binding interaction of estrogen receptor alpha with endocrine disrupting chemicals. Crystals 2023, 13, 228. (Q2, SCI IF = 2.7, 9/26 [32.7%] Crystallography)
  • You, S.W.; Liao, H.Y.; Tsai, C.Y.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* Using novel gold nanoparticles-deposited activated carbon fiber cloth for continuous gaseous mercury recovery by electrothermal swing system. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 431, 134325. (Q1, SCI IF = 15.1, 5/142 [3.2%] Engineering, Chemical)
  • Hsiao, S.Y.; You, S.W.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* Adsorption of volatile organic compounds and microwave regeneration on self-prepared high-surface-area beaded activated carbon. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2022, 22(6), 220010. (Q2, SCI IF = 4.0, 109/275 [39.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Kao, C.S.; Wang, Y.L.; Jiang, C.B.; Chuang, Y.C.; Chen, Y.H.; Hsi, H.C.*; Chien, L.C.* Associations of maternal food safety-related risk perceptions and protective behaviors with daily mercury intake and internal doses of Taiwanese women and preschool children. Environmental Research 2022, 212B, 113344. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.3, 16/207 [7.5%] Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
  • Yu, H.C.; You, S.W.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.;Hsi, H.C.* Regeneration of beaded activated carbon saturated with volatile organic compounds by a novel electrothermal swing adsorption system. Sustainable Environment Research 2022, 32, 51. (SCI IF = 4.9, 82/275 [29.6%] Environmental
  • Wang, Y.C.; Lin, Y.T.; Wang, C.*; Tong, Z.; Hu, X.R.; Lv, Y.H.; Jiang, G.Y.; Han, M.F.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.; Lee, C.H. Microbial community regulation and performance enhancement in gas biofilters by interrupting bacterial communication. Microbiome 2022, 10, 150. (Q1, SCI IF =15.5, 7/135 [4.8%] Microbiology)
  • Feng, Y.; Wei, L.; Wang, Z.; Liu, Y.; Dai, H.; Wang, C.; Hsi, H.C.; Duan, E.; Peng, Y.; Deng, J.* Boosting catalytic stability for VOCs removal by constructing PtCu alloy structure with superior oxygen activation behavior. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 439, 129612. (Q1, SCI IF =13.6, 10/275 [3.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wei, L; Liu, Y.; Dai, H.; Cui, S.; Wang, C.; Hsi, H.C.; Duan, E.; Peng, Y.; Deng, J.* Electronic structure tailoring of Al3+- and Ta5+-doped CeO2 for the synergistic removal of NO and chlorinated organics. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2022, 304, 120939. (Q1, SCI IF = 22.1, 1/55 [0.9%] Engineering, Environmental)
  • Feng, Y.; Wang, C.C.; Wang, C.; Huang, H.B.; Hsi, H.C.; Duan, E.H.; Liu, Y.X.; Guo, G.S.; Dai, H.X.; Deng, J.G.* Catalytic stability enhancement for pollutant removal via balancing lattice oxygen mobility and VOCs adsorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 424, Part A, 127337. (Q1, SCI IF =13.6, 10/275 [3.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Y.C.; Wang, C.*; Han, M.F.; Tong, Z.; Lin, Y.T.; Hu, X.R.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C. Inhibiting effect of quorum quenching on biomass accumulation: A clogging control strategy in gas biofilters. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 432, 134313. (Q1, SCI IF = 15.1, 5/142 [3.2%] Engineering, Chemical)
  • Han, M.F.; Hu, X.R.; Wang, Y.C.; Tong, Z.; Wang, C.*; Cheng, Z.W.*; Feng, K.; Qu, M.M.; Chen, J.M.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C. Comparison of separated and combined photodegradation and biofiltration technology for the treatment of volatile organic compounds: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2022, 52(8), 1325-1355. (Q1, SCI IF =12.6, 15/275 [5.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Y.L.; Tsou, M.C.; Pan, K.H.; Özkaynak, H.; Dang, W.; Hsi, H.C.*, Chien, L.C.* Estimation of Soil and Dust Ingestion Rates from the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation Soil and Dust Model for Children in Taiwan. Environmental Science & Technology 2021, 55, 17, 11805–11813. (Q1, SCI IF = 11.4, 19/275 [6.7%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Atkinson, J.D.; Chung, A.; Hsi, H.C.* Gaseous mercury re-emission from wet flue gas desulfurization wastewater aeration basins: a review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 420, 126546. (Q1, SCI IF =13.6, 10/275 [3.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Liao, H.Y.; Pan, S.Y.; You, S.W.; Hou, C.H.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* Mercury vapor adsorption and sustainable recovery using novel electrothermal swing system with gold-electrodeposited activated carbon fiber cloth. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 410, 124586. (Q1, SCI IF =13.6, 10/275 [3.5%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Cheng, Y.H.; Huang, Y.P.; Atkinson, J.D.*; Hsi, H.C.* A novel synthesis of sulfurized magnetic biochar for aqueous Hg(II) capture as a potential method for environmental remediation in water. Science of The Total Environment 2021, 784, 147240. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Xiao, Y.Z.; Hsi, H.C.* Simultaneous aqueous Hg(II) adsorption and gaseous Hg0 re-emission inhibition from SFGD wastewater by using Cu and S co-impregnated activated carbon. Chemosphere 2021, 263, 127966. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.8, 27/334 [7.98%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Chou, C.P.; Chiu, C.H.*; Chang, T.C.; Hsi, H.C.* Mercury speciation and mass distribution of coal-fired power plants in Taiwan using different air pollution control processes. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 2021, 71(5), 553-563. (Q3, SCI IF = 2.7, 170/275 [61.6%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Huang, S.H.; Chang, T.C.; Chien, H.C.; Wang, Z.S.; Chang, Y.C.; Wang, Y.L.; Hsi, H.C.* Comprehending the Causes of Presence of Copper and Common Heavy Metals in Sediments of Irrigation Canals in Taiwan. Minerals 2021, 11(4), 416. (Q2, SCI IF = 2.5, 8/20 [37.5%] Mining &
  • Kao, C.S.; Wang, Y.L.; Chuang, T.W.; Jiang, C.B.; Hsi, H.C.; Liao, K.W.; Chien, L.C.* Effects of soil lead exposure and land use characteristics on neurodevelopment among children under 3 years of age in northern Taiwan. Environmental Pollution 2021, 286, 117288. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.9, 28/275 [10%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Y.C.; Han, M.F.; Jia, T.P.; Hu, X.R.; Zhu, H.Q.; Tong, Z.; Lin, Y.T.; Wang, C.*; Liu, D.Z.*; Peng, Y.Z.*; Wang, G.; Meng, J.; Zhai, Z.X.; Zhang, Y.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C. Emissions, measurement, and control of odor in livestock farms: A review. Science of The Total Environment 2021, 776, 145735. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Chen, B.C.; Tsai, C.Y.; Pan, S.Y.; Chen, Y.T.; Hsi, H.C.* Sustainable recovery of gaseous mercury by adsorption and electrothermal desorption using activated carbon fiber cloth. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54(3), 1857-1866. (Q1, SCI IF = 11.4, 19/275 [6.7%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Hsu, C.J.; Chen, Y.H.; Hsi, H.C.* Adsorption of aqueous Hg2+ and inhibition of Hg0 re-emission from actual seawater flue gas desulfurization wastewater by using sulfurized activated carbon and NaClO. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 711, 135172. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Ting, Y.; Ch’ng, B.L.; Chen, C.; Ou, M.Y.; Cheng, Y.H.; Hsu, C.J.; Hsi, H.C.* A simulation study of mercury immobilization in estuary sediment microcosm by activated carbon/clay-based thin-layer capping under artificial flow and turbation. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 708, 135068. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Y.L.; Tsou, M.C.; Liao, H.T.; Hseu, Z.Y.; Dang, W.; Hsi, H.C.*, Chien, L.C.* Influence of soil properties on the bioaccessibility of Cr and Ni in geologic serpentine and anthropogenically contaminated non-serpentine soils in Taiwan. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 714, 136761. (Q1, SCI IF = 9.8, 26/275 [9.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Chen, Y.T.; Huang, Y.P.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* Comprehending adsorption of methylethylketone and toluene and microwave regeneration effectiveness for beaded activated carbon derived from recycled waste bamboo tar. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 2020, 70(6), 616-628. (Q3, SCI IF = 2.7, 170/275 [61.6%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Ou, M.Y.; Ting, Y.; Ch’ng, B.L.; Chen, C.; Cheng, Y.H.; Chang, T.C.; Hsi, H.C.* Using mixed active capping to remediate multiple potential toxic metal contaminated sediment for reducing environmental risk. Water 2020, 12(7), 1886. (Q2, SCI IF = 3.4, 38/103 [36.4%] Water Resources)
  • Ch’ng, B.L.; Hsu, C.J.; Ting, Y.; Wang, Y.L.; Chen, C.; Chang, T.C.; Hsi, H.C.* Aqueous Mercury Removal with Carbonaceous and Iron Sulfide Sorbents and Their Applicability as Thin-Layer Caps in Mercury-Contaminated Estuary Sediment. Water 2020, 12(7), 1991. (Q2, SCI IF = 3.4, 38/103 [36.4%] Water Resources)
  • Chen, C.; Ting, Y.; Ch’ng, B.L.; Hsi, H.C.* Influence of sulfide, chloride and dissolved organic matter on mercury adsorption by activated carbon in aqueous system. Sustainable Environment Research 2020, 30:22. (Q2, SCI IF = 4.9, 34/75 [44.67%] Engineering, Environmental)
  • Han, M.F.; Hu, X.R.; Wang, Y.C.; Tong, Z.; Wang, C.*; Cheng, Z.W.*; Feng, K.; Qu, M.M.; Chen, J.M.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C. Comparison of separated and combined photodegradation and biofiltration technology for the treatment of volatile organic compounds: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2020.1854566. (Q1, SCI IF =12.6, 15/275 [5.3%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Han, M.F.; Wang, C.*; Yang, N.Y.; Hu, X.R.; Wang, Y.C.; Duan, E.H.; Ren, H.W.*; Hsi, H.C.; Deng, J.G. Performance enhancement of a biofilter with pH buffering and filter bed supporting material in removal of chlorobenzene. Chemosphere 2020, 251, 126358. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.8, 27/334 [7.98%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Yang, N.; Wang, C.*; Han, M.F.; Li, Y.F.; Hsi, H.C. Performance improvement of a biofilter by using gel-encapsulated microorganisms assembled in a 3D mesh material. Chemosphere 2020, 251, 126618. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.8, 27/334 [7.98%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Wang, Z.; Ma, P.; Zheng, K.; Wang, C.; Liu, Y.; Dai, H.; Wang, C.; Hsi, H.C.; Deng, J.* Size effect, mutual inhibition and oxidation mechanism of the catalytic removal of a toluene and acetone mixture over TiO2 nanosheet-supported Pt nanocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2020, 274, 118963. (Q1, SCI IF = 22.1, 1/55 [0.9%] Engineering, Environmental)
  • Zhang, H.; Dai, L.; Feng, Y.; Xu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Guo, G.; Dai, H.; Wang, C.; Wang, C.; Hsi, H.C.; Huang, H.; Deng, J.* A resource utilization method for volatile organic compounds emission from the semiconductor industry: selective catalytic oxidation of isopropanol to acetone over Au/α-Fe2O3 nanosheets. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2020, 275, 119011. (Q1, SCI IF = 22.1, 1/55 [0.9%] Engineering, Environmental)
  • Hu, X.R.; Han, M.F.; Wang, C.*; Yang, N.Y.; Wang, Y.C.; Duan, E.H.*; Hsi, H.C.; Deng, J.G. A short review of bioaerosol emissions from gas bioreactors: Health threats, influencing factors and control technologies. Chemosphere 2020, 253, 126737. (Q1, SCI IF = 8.8, 27/334 [7.98%] Environmental Sciences)
  • Tseng, C.H.; Chen, L.L.*; Hsi, H.C.; Lee, M.C. Modeling of exposure to mercury in different environmental media over a 30-year period: A case study of Shimen reservoir, northern Taiwan. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2020, 26(5), 1379-1390. (Q2, SCI IF = 4.3, 101/275 [36.5%] Environmental Sciences)

 EI Journal Papers

  • 林珍雅、許哲榮*、黃盈賓、徐煥鈞、席行正*,以外來入侵植物銀合歡製備磁性生物炭並應用於水產養殖水體中氨氮與硫化物吸附,農業工程學報,2024,70(4),0001.

 International Conferences

  • Yoashi, N.T.; Hsi, H.C.; Chien, L.C. “Application of Leucaena leucocephala modified biochar as a novel material for controlling the release and exposure of mercury in the soil: From human health risk perspective”, The 16th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP), Cape Town, South Africa, July 21-26, 2024.
  • Fan, Y.T.; Wang, Y.L.; Tsou, M.C.; Hseu, Z.Y.; Hsi, H.C.; Chien, L.C. “GIS-based approach to generate the bioaccessibility of soil heavy metals for human risk assessments: case study in Changhua farmlands, Taiwan”, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2726, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2726.
  • Kuo, I.L.; Hsu, C.J.; Ting, J.C. Hsi, H.C. “A novel single–process synthesis of ammonia–modified biochar for CO2 capture”, 1st International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies (PZETS 2023), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 9 - 12, 2023.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Tsai, M.J.; Chung, A.; Huang, Y.P.; Hsi, H.C. “Green enhancements of heavy metal adsorption – phosphorylation and sulfonation of Thorny and Makino bamboo fibers for copper and lead uptakes”, 1st International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies (PZETS 2023), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 9 - 12, 2023.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Chiang, Y.A.; Chung, A.; Hsi, H.C. “The first reveal of polyamide 6’s selective platinum and palladium adsorption behavior in eluted solution”, 1st International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies (PZETS 2023), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 9 - 12, 2023.
  • Chu, A.C.; Hsi, H.C. “Developing cerium and manganese oxide-supported graphene-based materials with SO2 resistance for selective catalytic NOx reduction”, 1st International Conference on the Practical Zero Emissions Technologies and Strategies (PZETS 2023), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 9 - 12, 2023.
  • Cheng, Y.C.; Hsi, H.C.; Chang, C.T.* “Evaluation of the nano particle filtration performance with alignment and random nano fibers”, European Aerosol Conference, EAC2023, Malaga, Spain, September 3-8, 2023.
  • Cheng, Y.C.; Hsi, H.C.; Chang, C.T.* “Evaluation of the performance of high quality antimicrobial biofilters for the treatment of particulate pollutants”, 2023 Conference on Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Net Zero Emissions Issues, Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 22-23, 2023.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Chiang, Y.A.; Chung, A.; Hsi, H.C.* “A new insight into the selective platinum and palladium adsorption behavior of polyamide 6”, A&WMA’s 116th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 5-8, 2023.
  • Wu, N.C.; Chen, T.M.; Hsu, C.J.; Hsi, H.C.* “Selective recovery of gold from PCBs by using calcium alginate iron-based metal-organic framework”, A&WMA’s 116th Annual Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 5-8, 2023.
  • Hsi, H.C.*; Chu, A.C.; Tseng, C.F. “Low-temperature NOx removal under different atmospheres over cerium and manganese oxide supported graphene-based materials”, The 9th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT9), Fukuoka, Japan, July 24-29, 2022.
  • Yu, H.C.; Wang, C.; Deng, J.G.; Hsi, H.C.* “Adsorption of volatile organic compounds on beaded activated carbon and regenerated by electrothermal swing adsorption system”, The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC), Taipei, Taiwan, June 12-16, 2022.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Atkinson, J.D.; Cheng, Y.H.; Huang, Y.P.; Hsi, H.C.* “A single-process synthesis of sulfurized magnetic biochar derived from Makino bamboo for aqueous mercury adsorption”, Air &Waste Management Association 113th Annual Conference, Virtual ACE 2021, June 14–17, 2021.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Hsi, H.C.*; Huang, Y.P. “Synthesis of sulfurized magnetic activated carbon to capture aqueous mercury”, Air &Waste Management Association 113th Annual Conference, 1st Place Master’s Student Poster Competition, Virtual ACE 2020, June 30–July 2, 2020.
  • Hsu, C.J.; Huang, Y.P.; Wang, Y.L. Hsi, H.C.* “Aqueous Mercury Removal by Sulfurized Magnetic Activated Carbon Derived from Simultaneous Activation, Magnetization, and Sulfurization of Bamboo”, 4th International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2020), Incheon, Korea, September 6-9, 2020.
  • Xiao, Y.Z.; Pan, Y.C.; Hsu, C.H.; Lu, H.T.; Hsi, H.C.* “Treatment of Copper-Containing Wastewater by Vacuum Distillation”, 4th International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2020), Incheon, Korea, September 6-9, 2020.
  • Gao, C.S.; Wang, Y.L.; Hsi, H.C.; Chien, L.C.* “Food Safety-related Risk Perceptions Among Mothers and Mercury Exposure Among Children under Six Years Old”, 4th International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM2020), Incheon, Korea, September 6-9, 2020.

 Domestic Conferences

  • 柯閎仁、席行正,利用NH2-MIL-88B(Fe)進行廢棄電子產品中金選擇性回收,中華民國環境工程學會2024水環境工程技術研討會,台中。November 15-16, 2024。
  • 許哲榮、吳念築、席行正,以聚己內酰胺薄膜進行印刷電路板溶出液中金之選擇性回收,中華民國環境工程學會2024廢棄物處理技術研討會,台中。November 15-16, 2024。
  • Wu, S.H.; Hung, Y.C.; Hsi, H.C. “Simultaneous Catalytic Removal of NOx and Hg over MnOx-CeOx supported graphene-based materials with O3 assistance”, 台灣化學工程學會71週年年會暨國科會化學工程學門成果發表會,桃園,November 9-10,2024。(Invited speech)
  • Yoashi, N.T.; Wang, Y.L.; Hseu, Z.Y.; Chien, L.C.; Hsi, H.C. “Synthesis of novel phosphorylated biochar for reducing heavy metals mobility and farmers health risk in the contaminated soil”, 2024年第38屆環境分析研討會,高雄,May 2-3,2024。
  • 柯閎仁、席行正,利用金屬有機架構物進行廢水中金之選擇性回收,2024年第38屆環境分析研討會,高雄,May 2-3,2024。
  • 黃宥瑋,席行正,疏水塗層對球狀活性碳於潮濕環境中吸附揮發性有機物之影響,中華民國環境工程學會2023空氣污染控制技術研討會,宜蘭,November 17-19,2023。
  • Warissara Phumimart (林珍雅),許哲榮,黃盈賓,徐煥鈞,席行正,外來入侵植物銀合歡所製備磁性生物炭於文蛤養殖水體中之氨氮及硫化物吸附行為,2023年(第37屆)環境分析化學研討會,中壢,May 17-18,2023。
  • 王映筑、席行正,海藻酸鈣/活性碳複合物於底泥中對汞去除和岩蟲生物反應之影響,中華民國環境工程學會2022土壤與地下水研討會,高雄,November 18-19,2022。
  • 鄭雍樺、王映筑、丁昱、席行正,利用可磁性回收之綠色覆蓋材料整治多重重金屬污染底泥,中華民國環境工程學會2021土壤與地下水研討會,台中,November 26-27,2021。
  • 蕭世盈、席行正,球狀活性碳對揮發性有機物的吸附與微波再生,中華民國環境工程學會 2020空氣污染控制技術研討會,中壢,November 27-28,2020。(獲優秀論文獎)
  • 諸安均、曾志富、席行正,以錳鈰氧化物與石墨烯複合材於不同反應環境進行低溫脫硝,中華民國環境工程學會 2020空氣污染控制技術研討會,中壢,November 27-28,2020。
  • 廖華永、游書聞、蔡政諺、席行正,使用金電沉積活性碳纖維布結合電熱再生系統吸附與回收汞蒸氣,中華民國環境工程學會 2020空氣污染控制技術研討會,中壢,November 27-28,2020。
  • 潘奕丞、闕蓓德、席行正,利用減壓蒸餾設備進行脫硫廢水處理及其生命週期評估,中華民國環境工程學會2020年廢水處理技術研討會,中壢,November 27-28,2020。
  • 蕭世盈、席行正,球狀活性碳對揮發有機物的吸附與微波再生,2020年台灣氣膠學會年會暨第二十七屆國際氣膠科技研討會, 雲林,September 25-26, 2020.


  • 席行正、陳煜偈,使用硫脲石墨烯之回收金的方法,國內發明專利I704109,2026/09/11-2039/09/19。
  • 席行正、蔡政諺、何慶誠、施宏達、何宜聰,具有吸收可見光能力之二氧化鈦光觸媒粉體製造設備之改良,國內新型專利M359372,2009/06/21-2018/12/30。
  • 黃志峰、李秀霞、王厚傳、白曛綾、席行正,吸附汞蒸氣的方法,國內發明專利I373364,2012/10/01~2028/11/27。